« For more than 165 years, my family has been striving to produce a wine of pleasure, a wine for sharing, which finds its perfect expression in this beautiful phrase from Stéphanie de Saint-Aubin, Countess of Genlis: « One can only enjoy well what one shares. »
Édouard Miailhe
Looking back on our past
Guilhem de Siran
Siran (Ciran)
Flore Lussignet (Lucinet),
François-Augustin du Boscq
Elie Miailhe
Marie Duboscq,
Jeanne Adèle de Laroque-Bouillac,
Creation of the Miailhe brokerage office
Start of a new family history
Léo Barbier
Fréderic Miailhe, the son of Lovely Sollberg, and Marcel Mortier
Fréderic Miailhe
Édouard F. Miailhe, the son of Frédéric,
Emile Peynaud, forefather of modern oenology
Death of Édouard F. Miailhe
William-Alain Miailhe, the son of Edouard,
First illustrated label
Brigitte Miailhe, William-Alain’s wife,
Siran is recognised as a Cru Bourgeois Exceptionnel
Édouard Miailhe, the son of William-Alain,
The Miailhe family
Making wine is a daily challenge
For six months we alternate between praising or fighting against the weather. Finally, at the crucial moment of the harvest, we make sure that the grapes selected to enter our cellar are transformed as naturally as possible into an elegant and silky wine, respectful of the beauty of our terroir. We try not to intervene too much and learn from each vintage.
What's going on at Siran?
Château Siran 2020 x Federica Matta
This 2020 vintage marks the return of the family tradition of Château Siran's illustrated labels with a collaboration with
2021, the year when Cabernet is King
2021 was a particular year, marked by cool temperatures and a lack of sunshine during the summer in the Bordeaux
Château Siran 2018 ranks 1st in the Top 100 best wines of the year by Wine Enthusiast!
This 22nd November 2021 Wine Enthusiast revealed its « The Best Wine of 2021 » ranking. Château Siran 2018
Château Siran is one of the few vineyards in the Médoc that can be visited all year round.
7 days a week from May to September and the rest of the year from Tuesday to Saturday. You can make an appointment on the site by clicking on book for a visit in French or English, or by contacting us directly.

May to September:
Monday to Sunday from 10am to 12.30pm and from 2pm to 5.30pm
October and April:
Tuesday to Saturday from 10am to 12.30pm and from 2pm to 5.30pm.
November to March
Monday to Friday from 10am to 12.30pm and from 2pm to 5.30pm