
To visit the Château Siran website, you must be of legal drinking age in your country of residence.

By entering this site, you acknowledge that you have read and have accepted its terms and conditions of use and its privacy policy. You consent that Château Siran collects and processes your personal data in order to be contacted later.

The abuse of alcohol is dangerous for your health.

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  /  Legal Notice


RCS: Bordeaux B 781 910 963 000 11

VAT No.: FR 407 819 109 63

Address: 13 avenue du comte JB Lynch, 33460 Labarde

Telephone: +33 (0)5 57 88 34 04

Email: info@chateausiran.com

Legal form: Civil society

Share Capital: 506,000 euros


Director of Publication: Édouard Miailhe

Editorial manager: Sévrine Miailhe

Developer : toutdigital.fr

Artistic Director : Patrice Letarnec

Host: OVH

Legal form: SA par action simplifiée à associé unique (single shareholder simplified share company)

Address: 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix

Telephone: 08 91 65 31 63



Connecting to the Website chateausiran.com implies acceptance of the present Legal Notice.

Château Siran reserves the right to modify and update at any time the present Legal Notice being specified that the modification and the update of the Legal Notice are necessary as soon as they are put online.




Alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health, consume in moderation.


Consultation of the Website is reserved for persons legally authorised to consume or purchase alcoholic beverages in their country of residence. If you are under legal age, we invite you to leave the Website immediately.




The Website and its contents, which is in particular made up of trademarks, logos, visuals, photographs, texts, presentations, graphics (hereafter the “Contents”), which are the exclusive property of Château Siran and/or their authors or assigns, are protected by the French and international laws relating to intellectual property within the meaning of articles 111.1 and following of the code of the intellectual property. Consequently, unless otherwise specified, the intellectual property rights of the Contents of the Website and each of the elements created for the Website are the exclusive property of Château Siran.


The use of all or part of the Website and/or the Contents, in particular by downloading, reproduction, transmission, representation or diffusion for other purposes than for personal and private use in a non-commercial purpose, is strictly forbidden without a written authorization of Château Siran or of the possible owners of the copied contents. The non-observance of this prohibition constitutes an offence of counterfeiting of copyright (articles L.335-1 and following) and of the right of the brands (articles L.716-1 and following) being able to engage the civil liability (articles 9, 1382 and following) and penal of the counterfeiter.




Château Siran reserves the right to correct the contents of the Website at any time and without prior notice of the Internet user. Thus, any modification is considered as accepted without reserve by any Internet user who accesses the Website after its on-line publishing.




Château Siran undertakes to ensure, to the best of its ability, that the information published on the Website is correct and up to date. However, Château Siran cannot guarantee the exactitude and the exhaustiveness of the information provided on the Internet site, as well as the information coming from third parties.


Therefore, Château Siran declines all responsibility:

– for any possible interruption of the Website;

– for any malfunction;

– for any error or omission as for the information published on the Website;

– for any damage resulting from the unauthorized intrusion of a third party having modified the information provided on this Web site;

– for any direct or indirect damage, whatever the cause(s), nature, origin or consequences.




The Website chateausiran.com may include links to other websites or Internet pages. Château Siran has no control over these external sites and elements. Consequently, Château Siran cannot be held responsible for these external sites and elements and declines any responsibility concerning the contents, the advertising, the products, the services and any other element available on these sites or by external link.


Château Siran could not be held responsible for damages or losses, proven or alleged, consecutive or in relation with the access, the use or the fact of having trusted the contents, goods or services available on these sites or external sources.




The present notices are established in accordance with French law and in particular with the provisions of law n°2004-575 of 21 June 2004 for confidence in the digital economy and law n°78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to information technology, files and liberties, modified by law n°2004-801 of 6 August 2004.


The French courts have territorial jurisdiction to hear any dispute relating to the use of the Website, unless otherwise provided by Regulation n°44/2001 of 20 December 2000 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters (Brussels I).